"Harmony has a heart for the church as a whole and desires healing, education and empowerment of the bride of Christ. She is a brilliant communicator and carries astounding discernment and wisdom."
Christa Elisha,
Founder of Arise Kingdom Ministries,
Canton, OH

“Harmony – a woman who has
courage under pressure, knows
what not to be afraid of, and loves
God so well that she gives hope
and nourishment to others.”
Prophet Amanda Colfax,
Revival Churches, Salem, OR

“Harmony has functioned as a
Coach, a trainer, a public speaker
and a leader of leaders. She is
articulate, values excellence and works well in a team environment.”
Craig Schlesinger
Oregon Superintendent,
Grace International
Lead Pastor at Garden Valley Church, Roseburg, OR

Parenting an Orphan Generation
Prophet, Teacher, Author
Harmony Klingenmeyer is a teaching prophet contending for the next generation. She is wife to Scott, mother of three adopted boys and nineteen children out of foster care in the state of Oregon. Harmony is the founder of Hear Their Voices Ministries. She travels the nation advocating for foster care and adoption. Her focus is to bring healing and restoration to the mountain of the family. Harmony is a member of Patricia King's Women in Ministry Network.
Author of Kitchen Table Kingdom, Hear Their Voices and The Way
Harmony is the author of two published books and a third on the way. “Hear Their Voices: A Portrait of an American Foster Family” describes the process of how Harmony and her husband Scott became foster and adoptive parents and the call that every believer has to minister to the Orphan. She presents the huge societal need for parents to arise on behalf of this generation. This book is a wake-up call and an inside look at foster care. "Kitchen Table Kingdom: Raising World Changers One Meal at a Time" is a parenting curriculum that empowers parents in their calling to raise a generation of servant leaders. Harmony's third book is called "The Way: A Journey to The Face of God through The Spiritual Disciplines" is a deep dive into 10 spiritual disciplines - the same spiritual disciplines that Jesus and the disciples practiced to draw near to the heart of the Father.
National Speaker
Harmony has spoken on more than 50 podcasts, vlogs and blogs, including:
"Elijah Fire" with Jeff Tharp
“Women on the Rise” with Patricia King,
“Pardon The Mess” on Christianparenting.org
“Make Life Matter” with Angela Donadio
Podcast Host
Harmony and Cierra Loomis host a weekly podcast called "The Vulnerable Prophet" Each week, they discuss rich Biblical truth, tough topics that impact the family, and fresh prophetic insight for today's issues. You can catch them live or watch the replay on Facebook and YouTube!

All Videos

Hope Arises 2022 - Episode 8: Raising Roaring Lions

Hope Arises 2022: Episode 11 - Arise and Contend for this Generation with Danielle Helmer